Celebrating a Season of Recognition: Our Wins at IABC and PRSA

Celebrating a Season of Recognition: Our Wins at IABC and PRSA

As we reach the height of awards season in the public relations industry, we are filled with pride and gratitude. This year, our small, women-owned public relations and communications firm in Houston was honored with prestigious accolades from both the Houston...

A Fresh Start: Elevate Your PR Strategy in the New Year

A Fresh Start: Elevate Your PR Strategy in the New Year

Is your communications “house” in order? The start of a brand-new year is the perfect time for businesses to reflect on their journey, assess their setbacks and achievements alike, and set the stage for success in the months ahead.

Five Tips for Working With the Media

Five Tips for Working With the Media

Are you unsure of how to begin gaining coverage for your business? Are you unsure of how to begin gaining coverage for your business? Media pitching is an ongoing process that requires patience, adaptability, and a willingness to learn and improve.

The Importance of Thought Leadership

The Importance of Thought Leadership

Organizations need thought leadership to be successful. Many people find the concept and execution daunting. You need a clear understanding of its definition and benefits along with a roadmap to cultivate it.

Celebrating a Season of Recognition: Our Wins at IABC and PRSA

MyHart Communications Public Relations Award Season

The past two years put many businesses through the wringer. But that sparked more critical thinking, creativity and innovation in our marketing strategies. Seeing all the hard work pay off is icing on the cake. More importantly, we achieved success with our clients...

Celebrating milestones

Celebrating milestones

Wow! We are celebrating five years in business. It’s hard to believe that we have passed this incredible milestone. We owe our success to you – our clients, our colleagues, our family and our friends. Thank you!